Just Smile Dental Clinic

Dental Veener

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneer is a thin piece of porcelain used to re-create the natural look of teeth, while also providing strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel. Veneers are custom made to the contour of your teeth and are bonded to the tooth’s original enamel during a series of in-office procedures.

Veneers are a less intrusive option than crowns or braces. Veneers can be used to close gaps or correct small misalignments. Patients also choose veneers as a cosmetic solution to enhance the brightness of their teeth and to straighten their smile, correcting issues like discoloration, fractures, or chips.

There are two main types of material used to fabricate a veneer: composite and dental porcelain. A composite veneer may be directly placed (built-up in the mouth), or indirectly fabricated by a dental technician in a dental lab, and later bonded to the tooth, typically using a resin cement. Usually used for treatment of adolescent patients who will require a more permanent design once they are fully grown. The lifespan of a composite veneer is approximately 4 years. In contrast, a porcelain veneer may only be indirectly fabricated. Laminate veneer, on the other hand, is a thin layer that covers only the surface of the tooth and generally used for aesthetic purposes. These typically have better performance and aesthetics and are less plaque retentive.

Veneers are routinely used to fix:

  • Teeth that are discolored — either because of root canal treatment; stains from tetracycline or other drugs, excessive fluoride or other causes; or the presence of large resin fillings that have discolored the tooth
  • Teeth that are worn down
  • Teeth that are chipped or broken
  • Teeth that are misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped (for example, have craters or bulges in them)
  • Teeth with gaps between them (to close the space between these teeth)

More About Dental Veneer

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Getting a dental veneer is a relatively straightforward and easy process. During the process you will not feel any pain or discomfort. Procedure usually requires three trips to the dentist – one for a consultation and two to make and apply the veneers. One tooth or many teeth can simultaneously undergo the veneering process described below.

  • Diagnosis and treatment planning: During your first visit, your dentist will examine your teeth to make sure dental veneers are appropriate for you and discuss what the procedure will involve and some of its limitations. She also may take panoramic X-rays and possibly make impressions of your mouth and teeth. You can always bring up your favorite look to your dentist, so she can take this design as a reference. There is no doubt that your dentist will make sure that the design and the color of your choosing will suit your face completely.
  • Correction: Your dentist will reshape the tooth surface, which is an amount nearly equal to the thickness of the veneer to be added to the tooth surface. She will repeatedly remove and trim the veneer as needed to achieve the proper fit; the veneer color can be adjusted with the shade of cement to be used. Small adjustments will be made to ensure it fits perfectly. 
  • Bonding: A special cement is applied to the veneer and the veneer is then placed on your tooth. Once properly position on the tooth, your dentist will apply a special light beam to the dental veneer, which activates chemicals in the cement, causing it to harden or cure very quickly. The final steps involve removing any excess cement, evaluating your bite and making any final adjustments in the veneer as necessary.
  1. Dental veneers can be used to improve the appearance of teeth that are affected by a wide range of cosmetic issues. Whether you have severely discolored teeth, chipped teeth, crooked teeth or noticeable gaps between your teeth, veneers provide you with a way to hide or correct these flaws.
  2. When you have dental veneers applied to your teeth, other people shouldn’t be able to tell that you have them. They have a natural appearance that blends in with your other teeth Our dentists make impressions of your affected teeth to ensure that your veneers look as much like your natural teeth as possible. This provides you with a more uniform appearance that can significantly improve your smile.
  3. Before you can have dental veneers applied to your teeth, our dentist will need to trim some of your enamel off. Doing this helps ensure that your veneers fit comfortably and do not make your teeth look too bulky. Unlike other types of dental treatments, such as dental crowns, dental veneers only need a small amount of tooth enamel removed in order to fit. This means that your teeth still have plenty of enamel for protection from bacteria and decay.
  4. Veneers have a high amount of durability, which means that you can expect them to last for several years. These veneers are not likely to chip, break or sustain any other damage, especially if you take good care of your teeth with proper dental hygiene and routine visits for cleanings and exams. Porcelain veneers are also resistant to stains, so you don’t have to worry about having them replaced due to discoloration.
  5. Some dental treatments for cosmetic flaws can take several months to complete. The dental veneer process usually only requires two or three visits. You generally do not need to come in for any additional dental visits other than your routine cleanings and exams when you have dental veneers.

To ensure that your veneers lasts as long as it should, you must follow these tips in caring for your them:

  • Brush regularly: You’ll want to make sure that you can maintain good oral hygiene. Brushing can keep foods and stains from plaguing your white teeth.
  • Floss: Brushing your teeth is not enough because food particles can remain stuck between the teeth. You may choose to floss right after brushing or right before, but definitely be sure to do it.
  • Use the right cleaning tools: Some toothbrushes and toothpaste can speed up the deterioration of the dental hardware. It is best that you use a soft-bristled brush and a whitening toothpaste for oral hygiene. This will help prevent your natural teeth from staining and maintain the same color as the veneers over time.

There are different types of options. Please refer to our Price List for the cost of this procedure.

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